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escala : [escala 1:3] Open Grid Diffussion

Released on
Playtime: 14:24 - 320kb/s - 27.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/13 21:48h



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Release Notes

Time does since our last reference, seven months of silence and reflection has carried us to here. Platform name of the project with the one that return, with his work “Open Grid Difussion” we bind with this area situated in a diffuse and very personal space. Atmospheres that go through in dark backgrounds present us the space, apparently meaningless broken rhythms, stick to deep basses they show us a form, that raised for some clcks & cuts lysergic they will show us a time with future but without present neither past. A drug cuts but intense.

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

11 October 2010
11 October 2010
Public Playlist
10 Tracks | Playtime: 56:12

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